Information Insight provides a range of services including Business, Marketing and Economic Services.
Business Specialisations
- Business Diagnostic
- Business Modelling & Forecasting
- Strategic Business Analyst
- Business Performance Management
- Business Planning
- Project Planning
- Investor & Entrepreneurial Support
- Mentoring & Workshops
Market and Insight Specialisations
- Market Analysis and Research
- Consumer Insights
- Customer Reach and Profitability
- Industry Market Insight Modelling
- Business Market Insight Modelling
- Marketing Metrics
- Strategic Marketing Planning
- Brand Management
- Income Growth Solutions
- Marketing Forecasting
- Social Media Evaluation and Insights
- Economic Specialisations
- Economic Modelling & Forecasting
- Economic Development
Innovation Insight Specialisations
- Evaluation of the innovation from ideation to commercialisation using leading edge insights
- Analytical evaluation of the commercial marketability/success potential of the innovation